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Scientist Explain Why Complaining Makes You ill

A computer scientist has examined the ways in which complaining can physically affect the brain and the body, and has concluded that people who complain a lot tend to have an overall more negative experience in life.  Author, scientist and philosopher, Steven Parton says that constantly complaining actually physically changes the structure of the mind and body. reports: “Synapses that fire together wire together,” says Parton, which is a concise way of understanding he essence of neuroplasticity, the science of how the brain re-wires itself based on whatever it is repetitively exposed to. Negativity and complaining breeds more of the same, as this theory points out. Parton explains further: “The principle is simple: Throughout your brain there is a collection of synapses separated by empty space called the synaptic cleft. Whenever you have a thought, one synapse shoots a chemical across the cleft to another synapse, thus building a bridge over which an electric signal can cross, carrying along its charge the relevant information you’re thinking about. …Every time this electrical charge is triggered, the synapses grow closer together in order to decrease the distance the electrical charge has to cross…. The brain is rewiring its own circuitry, physically [...]