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Scientists Trial Cancer Drug As Possible Cure For Paedophiles

Researchers in Sweden have started a clinical trial to assess whether a prostate cancer drug could help prevent or lower the risk of paedophiles committing sexual abuse. The £1,000 a year drug called degarelix was found to have the side effect of reducing sexual arousal by stopping the production of testosterone The drugs trial at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institutet  will involve 60 patients have sought help for paedophile fantasies, but have not acted on them. Psychiatrist and lead researcher Christoffer Rahm said: “The goal is to establish a preventive treatment program for men with pedophiliac disorder that is both effective and tolerable so that we can prevent child sexual abuse from happening in the first place“ Russia Today reports: One of the people looking for help from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm is Anders. Using a pseudonym while talking to AFP, he said that he has never sexually abused a child, though he does have urges and his sexual fantasies are “not normal.” The researchers at the institute want to give patients like Anders a drug that is normally used to treat those suffering from prostate cancer. A total of 60 people will take part in the trial, with half given [...]