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Silver Soars To 10-Month Highs, Gold-Ratio Continues To Plunge

It appears a combination of Rosengren's comments (panic-jawboning about rates raises policy error fears), positioning unwinds (commercial hedgers covering), and gold/silver ratio compression has sparked a surge in both silver (10-month highs) and gold (back above 50dma) overnight.

The overnight spike...


Smashing Silver to 10-month highs..


UBS analyst Joni Teves tells The Financial Times:

"It's a combination of silver getting a bit of attention over the past week with the big move in the gold/silver ratio and quite a few market participants looking at silver in and its relative performance to gold and thinking it might be time for a bit of catch up."

As the ratio drops to 5-month lows...


Even as Gold lifts back above its 50dma...