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Tony Blair & Bill Clinton Joining Forces Against Brexit

Former US President Bill Clinton and former British prime minister PM Tony Blair are to join forces to fight against a possible British exit from the European Union. Mrs Clinton has already waded into the Brexit debate and thrown her weight behind President Obama who also advises that Britain should remain within the EU Mr Clinton is understood to be preparing a return to Britain to campaign with Tony Blair against Brexit. Russia Today reports: However, the itinerary of Bill Clinton’s visit cannot be confirmed until his wife, Hillary, is confirmed as the Democratic Party nominee, a source told the Times on Tuesday. Both Clintons have backed the “Remain” positon articulated by serving US President Barack Obama during his recent UK visit. “Hillary Clinton believes that transatlantic co-operation is essential, and that cooperation is strongest when Europe is united,” Hillary Clinton’s senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan told the Times. “She has always valued a strong United Kingdom in a strong EU. And she values a strong British voice in the EU,” he added. A recent YouGov poll suggests Bill Clinton is less trusted than both David Cameron and Nigel Farage on the EU. He is rated as trustworthy by only [...]