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What’s Up With WhatsApp? Millions Unable To Send Messages

Popular messaging app, WhatsApp, was down on the busiest day of the year. Fans trying to send New Year’s Eve messages were left speechless, isolated and frustrated. Daily Star reports: The popular app went into meltdown earlier this evening leaving millions unable to use the service. The problems reportedly began shortly after 4.30pm UK time. It’s currently unclear what is causing the problems although it seems some users are now able to send messages. Twitter is jammed full of users tweeting about the problems with one simply saying: “Whatsapp is down. Worst year ever!” “Thank you whatsapp for going down and providing some relief from groups one cannot exit,” another added. Whist one Twitter user joked: “#Whatsapp helping drunk people tonight by taking down its servers #NoRegretfullTexts” #Whatsapp going down on New Year Eve is the single biggest crime of the year. Keep following on #XtianDelaNewYearTrain twitter is up. — #HappyNewYear (@AlfieKS) December 31, 2015 Whatsapp is down. Worst year ever — Sam (@SamBoorn) December 31, 2015 A WhatsApp spokesman confirmed to MailOnline: “Some people have had trouble accessing WhatsApp for a short period today. “We’re working to restore service back to 100% for everyone and we apologize for the [...]