What China's Stunning Announcement Means

One of the catalysts for today's selloff was the thoroughly unexpected announcement by the Chinese Foreign Exchange Trade System (part of the PBOC), which as we said earlier, hints at substantially more devaluation of the Chinese currency, a currency which as is well-known, is pegged to a dollar which has been soaring in the past year, and which many believe will continue to soar after the Fed hikes rates.

This is what the CFETS said:

The Least Surprising Stat Of The Week: Corporate Insiders Are Dumping Their Stock

Submitted by John Rubino via DollarCollapse.com,

Here’s one for the "actions speak louder than words" file:

Massive insider selling spurs stock market concerns


(CNBC) – Corporate insiders have been selling their shares at near-record levels, and according to some, this could be a sign for outside investors to start selling as well.


Junk Bond Prices Tumble To 2009 Levels

Junk Bond Prices Tumble To 2009 Levels

With the biggest single-day drop in over 4 years, US High-Yield bond prices have collapsed to their lowest levels since July 2009. Crucially, it's not just energy companies as the painful illqiuidty has careened across the entire space, not helped by fund liquidations and the biggest outflows since August 2014.


As we warned here, and confirmed here, something has blown-up in high-yield...


With the biggest discount to NAV since 2011...


Bail-Ins “Undermine Confidence” In Banks - Lead to Suicide of Pensioner

Bail-Ins “Undermine Confidence” In Banks - Lead to Suicide of Pensioner

Bank 'bail-ins' and the new international bail-in regime that impose losses on bank investors, bondholders and even depositors may undermine the confidence of small savers in the banking system, a senior Bank of Italy official warned on Wednesday.

Protect Your Savings From The Wrecking Ball
