It Is Time for Responsible Republicans to Say They Won't Back a Trump-Led GOP

There are points where Republicans can and must reject extremist candidates and extremist politics. That standard is not met when Republicans call Trump "unhinged" or suggest that they are prepared to offer Americans a kinder, gentler version of Trumpism. That standard is met when Republican presidential candidates and party leaders declare that they cannot and will not support a national party ticket led by Donald Trump.

Seashore Thoughts

The dream of a unified, homogeneous new Hebrew nation is long dead. Israel is now a very heterogeneous country, rather like a federation of separate "sectors," who don't like each other very much: Ashkenazis, Orientals, National-religious, Orthodox, "Russians" and Arabs, with many subdivisions. The one bond that unites most of these sectors is the army, in which all of them (except the orthodox and the Arabs) serve together.

Trump, the Press, And How to Treat a Liar

Journalists have not let Trump's lies go undetected. There has been aggressive fact-checking. But with his defining lying streak, Trump is trying to rewrite all the campaign rules and bowl over the media's watchdog role, which means polite fact-checking won't be enough. Where are the endless pieces looking into Trump's dark character and the search for clues as to what drives him to be such a cavalier liar?
