Trump, the Press, And How to Treat a Liar

Journalists have not let Trump's lies go undetected. There has been aggressive fact-checking. But with his defining lying streak, Trump is trying to rewrite all the campaign rules and bowl over the media's watchdog role, which means polite fact-checking won't be enough. Where are the endless pieces looking into Trump's dark character and the search for clues as to what drives him to be such a cavalier liar?

"Things" looking ominous in Syria

Things look ominous in Syria. All the world's antagonists are engaged making it so ominous. Russian Pres. Putin was recently described as a paper tiger for not retaliating over Turkey downing a Russian jet fighter in Syria. It was a provocation. Putin refused to take the bait so now he's a paper tiger? Putin's actions in Syria have been defensive & legal under int'l law. But make no mistake Turkey's action won't go unpunished.

Donald Trump's "Ban Muslims" Proposal Is Wildly Dangerous But Not Far Outside the U.S. Mainstream

Given that an ISIS attack in Paris just helped fuel the sweeping election victory of an actually fascist party in France, it's a bit mystifying how someone can be so sanguine about the likelihood of a Trump victory in the U.S. In fact, with a couple of even low-level ISIS attacks successfully carried out on American soil, it's not at all hard to imagine.
