Israel's Occupation Is Morally Indefensible

In the case of the Palestinians who are under occupation, Israel is treating them as objects rather than persons who can rationally consent to the way they are being treated. Israel is coercing the Palestinians physically and psychologically by denying them human rights, through, for example, administrative detention, night raids, and expulsion, thereby robbing them of their dignity and denying them their autonomy.

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack is Directly Linked to Saudi Arabia

This article details the links between Saudi Arabia and the San Bernadino shooting rampage. In order to understand Tashfeen Malik, and the reasons that a young woman would abandon her infant child, you must understand Saudi Arabia and the upbringing she had there, which is institutionalized Radical Islam. The King of Saudi Arabia is directly responsible for the radicalization of Tashfeen Malik.
