Buy Today, Kill Tomorrow

at least 2,043 people on the terrorist watch list legally purchased weapons in the United States between 2004 and 2014. We know they filled out necessary paperwork with gun dealers. What we don't know is how many people on the list purchased weapons from private gun dealers or owners. They don't have to keep records. Who could possibly support this arrangement? Just a little outfit called the National Rifle Association.

Primary Drug Abuse Prevention - An Unappreciated Necessity

Primary prevention is all the things we can do to forestall or eliminate exposure to addictive substances. It is our best hope for solving America's drug problems. But primary prevention is under appreciated and under-funded, especially when a community comes to realize there is a crisis. Once the problem become an epidemic, attention usually focuses on law-enforcement interdiction of drugs and treatment, not prevention.

Putin Must Seek Justice For Peshkov

Putin has never lost sight of his primary goals which are to prevent regime change, to maintain the sovereign integrity of the state, and to kill or capture all terrorists operating in Syria. If Erdogan agreed to these terms, Putin will have achieved all of his objectives; displaced Syrians will be able to return home, life will gradually return to normal, and Peshkov will have gotten the justice he deserves.
