ISIS and the GOP, Natural Allies

Sorry to disappoint those crying for a war against Islam, but the vast majority of those who kill with a gun in the U.S. are angry white men. Like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio. "White terrorism" in America is a bigger problem by orders of magnitude than ISIS-inspired terrorism. "War" with individuals who cannot even be identified does not, cannot make anyone in the U.S. safer.


ISIS controls Iraqi oil fields near Mosul. They have been making millions of dollars each day by selling oil from these fields. How does ISIS get the oil from the fields in Mosul to the market?

A Supporter's Open Letter to the Bernie Sanders Campaign

In his candidacy for president, Bernie Sanders offers a program of policy reforms that can shape a fairer, more productive American economy and more just society. But in order to point up both the revolutionary departure his reforms represent and their ethical propriety in a free-market economy, he needs to relate them to a broad moral vision--namely, a central role for the federal government in building American community.

A Supporter's Open Letter to the Bernie Sanders Campaign

In his candidacy for president, Bernie Sanders offers a program of policy reforms that can shape a fairer, more productive American economy and more just society. But in order to point up both the revolutionary departure his reforms represent and their ethical propriety in a free-market economy, he needs to relate them to a broad moral vision--namely, a central role for the federal government in building American community.
