Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk

Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk

i have been warning that the crazed neocons and their two-bit puppet, president obama, are leading, with the assistance of the presstitute media, the world back to the prospect of nuclear armageddon. A former Secretary of Defense agrees with me.

Wake up! Constrain the insane US government, or life on earth is over.

Democracy Sold Out To Greed

While the “free Western media” cheers, the Western “democratic” governments sell out the peoples of the Western world to corporate tyranny

Paul Craig Roberts

John Massaria has turned my interview with Julian Charles into a video.

The video helps me to bring home that “Western democracy” is a sham, a total lie.

Good-Bye To Western Living Standards — Paul Craig Roberts

Good-Bye To Western Living Standards

Paul Craig Roberts

My column, “Capitalism At Work,” about Greek women being forced into prostitution by banksters and the IMF produced a number of responses from women, who report that austerity is having the same effect all over Europe.

This is from a letter from Portugal:

“Your article ‘Capitalism At Work’ shows absolutely what’s happened here in Portugal. It is common for young women to sell their body to pay the University fees and for food.
