With Only Six Days Remaining, Trump Surges in the Polls as Hillary Supporters Abandon Ship

With Only Six Days Remaining, Trump Surges in the Polls as Hillary Supporters Abandon Ship


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With Only Six Days Remaining, Trump Surges in the Polls as Hillary Supporters Abandon Ship
Written by Nathan McDonald (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



A Broken Coriolanus For Our Time

My latest column at The Week is a review of a production of Coriolanus that speaks to our political moment:

As Shakespeare wrote it, the action of Coriolanus takes place 2,500 years ago, in the early years of the Roman republic, and describes the banishment from Rome of its greatest military hero, who in exile allies with his greatest enemy to wreak vengeance on the city that spurned him. But as conceived by director Michael Sexton, it could have been written this year.

Large Democratic Donor At NYC Fundraiser: Blacks Are "Seriously F***ed in The Head"

Large Democratic Donor At NYC Fundraiser: Blacks Are "Seriously F***ed in The Head"

In the latest bombshell Project Veritas video, a large Democratic donor, Benjamin Barber, is caught on film at a fundraiser comparing black republican voters to Nazis and saying they're "fucked in the head."  The disparaging comments came at a New York City fundraiser for Deborah Ross who is running for the U.S. Senate for the state of North Carolina.
