How to make fireworks in your account

How to make fireworks in your account

While most of the US population drowns in a prolonged semi-conscious state for several days, with moments of alertness (they'll know they are alive when they see the fireworks) - the remaining force of human intelligence on the planet, spends time trying to figure out ways to break through this vast blanket of social control that's been thrown over the population like a sticky net, which is slowly eating away at the global standard of living, overall quality, lowering human genetic value.  Each day, our money is worth less and less.  Why?

Morgan Stanley Explains One Big Reason Why Central Planners Can't Generate Any Inflation

Morgan Stanley Explains One Big Reason Why Central Planners Can't Generate Any Inflation

As China continues to weaken the Yuan, it's important to note the impact that it has on the inflation expectations of other economies, namely the US, Japan, and Europe. As central planners aggressively try to boost inflation, and in the meantime have created a stunning $11.7 trillion in negative yielding debt, China could be hindering that effort quite a bit.

More 'Transitory' Non-flation: Child Care Costs Are Soaring

More 'Transitory' Non-flation: Child Care Costs Are Soaring

As the middle class erodes in the US, we have pointed out the many things that have continued to financially squeeze what is left of The American Dream out of the average joe, from rent becoming increasingly unaffordable to healthcare premiums exploding higher. We now have another expense that is taking a toll financially on the average American family, and that is child care.

"Our Monetary Humpty-Dumpty Is Heading For A Great Fall" - Teetering On The Eccles Building Wall

"Our Monetary Humpty-Dumpty Is Heading For A Great Fall" - Teetering On The Eccles Building Wall

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

The Eccles Building trotted out Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer yesterday morning. Apparently his task was to explain to any headline reading algos still tracking bubblevision that things are looking up for the US economy again and that Brexit won’t hurt much on the domestic front. As he told his fawning CNBC hostess:
