Al Qaeda Takes On ISIS In Syria

Two of the world’s largest terrorist groups who were once allies are now fighting for supremacy in Syria. Al Qaeda is heading to Syria to replace ISIS as the lesser of two evils. Raw Story reports: According to Ali Soufan, the CEO of strategic-security firm The Soufan Group, the brutal activities of ISIS — also known as ISIL — have led the Muslim world to view Al Qaeda more favorably. “What ISIS did made so many people in the Muslim world think, ‘Al Qaeda are the good guys.

Trump Accidentally Reveals His Next Attack On Hillary

Trump Accidentally Reveals His Next Attack On Hillary

Two days after Donald Trump released a clip in which he hinted at Bill Clinton's sexual transgressions by featuring two women - Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick - who have made rape accusations against the former president, and then promptly escalated his attacks on the Clintons in an interview with WaPo in which Trump called the circumstances of Vincent Foster’s death "very fishy", Trump accidentally revealed what his next attack on Hillary will be.



USO Closes Above 12 for the First Time in 2016 (Video)

USO Closes Above 12 for the First Time in 2016 (Video)

By EconMatters

A lot of analysts think that $50 a barrel oil is as good as it gets for 2016, we think there is a substantial short squeeze coming in the oil market as we take out $54 a barrel over the coming months. We take a look at the EIA Weekly Petroleum Report in this video, and provide some analysis to the weekly data.

Chasing Yield Into Minefields

Chasing Yield Into Minefields

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

I happened to be going through the Red Cross audited financials this morning (this is not typical morning reading for me but I’m doing some due diligence on another matter).  Under the Notes to Financials I came across the organization’s pension assets breakdown and what I found was a bit shocking.


More than half of the organization’s pension assets are level 3 assets.  For those not up to speed on the level 3 assets here is the definition from Wikinvest.
