Paul Craig Roberts Warns 'Killary' Will Be "The Last American President"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Do you remember all the hopes Americans had for Obama when we elected him to his first term? Painful memories. He betrayed the voters on every one of his promises. There was no change, except for the worst as Obama went on to become one of the most vicious war criminals in world history. Despite his horrific record, we re-elected him, only to have US economic policy turn against the people in order to bail out at our expense the mega-banks and the One Percent.

With A Historic -150% Net Short Position, Carl Icahn Is Betting On An Imminent Market Collapse

With A Historic -150% Net Short Position, Carl Icahn Is Betting On An Imminent Market Collapse

Over the past year, based on his increasingly more dour media appearances, billionaire Carl Icahn had been getting progressively more bearish. At first, he was mostly pessimistic about junk bonds, saying last May that "what's even more dangerous than the actual stock market is the high yield market." As the year progressed his pessimism become more acute and in December he said that the "meltdown in high yield is just beginning." It culminated in February when he said on CNBC that a "day of reckoning is coming."
