Researchers Discover Water Can Exists In Six Places At Once

Scientists at the US Department of Energy have discovered that water is able to exist in six different physical locations at the same time.  The researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory published their findings in the journal Physical Reviews Letters. This fourth new form water can take (aside from it being solid, liquid or gas) was discovered through the use of quantum mechanics. Vice News reports: “It isn’t something that your physicist much less your average guy can go out and stand on his front porch and see,” said Oak Ridge geologist Larry Anovitz.

World’s First KFC Fast Food Chain Run By Robots

KFC opened their first ever fast food restaurant staffed entirely by an army of robots in Shanghai on April 25th.  The restaurant, called Original +, features its own robot manager named “Du Mi” who greets guests at the front counter. “‘Du Mi’ marks the first commercial use of artificial intelligence in the fast food industry. The artificial intelligence robot was launched by China’s leading Web services company Baidu during its World Conference in 2015,” reports Sohu.
