Government Officials Admit To Economic False Flag Operations

Various government officials have come forward recently and admitted that economic false flag events have been orchestrated by the elite in order to justify economic reforms.  Recently, two officials from the International Monetary Fund said they needed the “threat of an imminent financial catastrophe” in order to force Greece into accepting severe austerity.

Why Secrecy Rules Apply to Everyone

Starting with Hammurabi, rulers have frequently appreciated that their subjects would be more acquiescent to being governed if they had at least a minimal appreciation that they were being treated fairly. That understanding has led to the development of law codes along the lines of the Roman Republic’s laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inscribed in bronze and posted prominently in the Forum so everyone would know what the rules were.

Will Cruz Steal the Nomination?

Donald Trump has brought out the largest crowds in the history of primaries. He has won the most victories, the most delegates, the most votes. He is poised to sweep three of the five largest states in the nation—New York, Pennsylvania, and California. If he does, and the nomination is taken from him, the Republican Party will be seen by the American people as a glorified Chinese tong.

NASA Feed Captures ‘Horseshoe UFO’ Before Blackout

NASA abruptly ended a live ISS stream recently when a horseshoe shaped UFO suddenly appeared on the video that thousands of people were watching.  The strange U-shaped object came into view on the horizon of the International Space Station, shortly before NASA cut the transmission. reports: The mysterious UFO was first spotted by Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily as he watched the live stream. He then passed the footage on to alien hunter Tyler Glockner who uploaded the video to is YouTube channel secureteam10 .

Obama Asks For Putin’s Help In Bringing Peace To Syria

President Barack Obama has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to help de-escalate the fighting in both Syria and Ukraine. The White House have confirmed that due to the increase in shelling along the front line in eastern Ukraine, along with the Syrian cease-fire nearing complete collapse – the U.S. president made an urgent call to Putin in order to find a solution to the problems.
