Former US Senate Candidate: Israel Orchestrated The 9/11 Attacks

Former U.S. Senate candidate Mark Dankof has said that he has proof that Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., during a television interview with Iranian TV recently.  Commenting on the Saudi’s role in supporting the 9/11 attacks, Dankof told the broadcaster that Israel were the chief player in organising the attacks. “When we get to 9/11, there are series of clues and series of explanations that have been provided for us; they really get in the bottom of the fact that it was Israel that was the chief player in calling up 9/11,” he told Press TV on Saturday.

US Patent: Nervous System Manipulation Via Personal Computers

Your television and computer monitor have been able to manipulate your nervous system for at least the last 15 years, according to a US patent. Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US Patent #6,506,148 says: “Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance.

Government Officials Admit To Economic False Flag Operations

Various government officials have come forward recently and admitted that economic false flag events have been orchestrated by the elite in order to justify economic reforms.  Recently, two officials from the International Monetary Fund said they needed the “threat of an imminent financial catastrophe” in order to force Greece into accepting severe austerity.

Why Secrecy Rules Apply to Everyone

Starting with Hammurabi, rulers have frequently appreciated that their subjects would be more acquiescent to being governed if they had at least a minimal appreciation that they were being treated fairly. That understanding has led to the development of law codes along the lines of the Roman Republic’s laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inscribed in bronze and posted prominently in the Forum so everyone would know what the rules were.

Will Cruz Steal the Nomination?

Donald Trump has brought out the largest crowds in the history of primaries. He has won the most victories, the most delegates, the most votes. He is poised to sweep three of the five largest states in the nation—New York, Pennsylvania, and California. If he does, and the nomination is taken from him, the Republican Party will be seen by the American people as a glorified Chinese tong.
