The Smart Money Is Most Worried About These Four Brand New "Tail Risks"

The Smart Money Is Most Worried About These Four Brand New "Tail Risks"

When BofA's Michael Hartnett releases his monthly Fund Managers' Survey, the one chart we always head straight to is the one laying out what the "smart money", aka the polled investors who make up the survey, is most worried about, or as they put it: what are the biggest "tail risks."

The chart below shows that as recently as a month ago, what jept everyone at night by a substantial margin, with 45% putting it as their top fear, was a China Recession, followed by an EM debt crisis.


How things have changed in the subsequent month.

Fed President and Assistant Treasury Secretary Says What Everyone Knows: We Need to Break Up the Big Banks


The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis – who oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability (Neel Kashkari) – says that the nation’s biggest banks remain too big to fail and pose significant risk to the economy

Kashkari joins the following top economists and financial experts who believe that the failure to rein in the “too big to fail” banks is unacceptable:

Trump Is on Track to Win South Carolina

The new PPP South Carolina poll was conducted entirely after Saturday’s debate, and it appears that Trump suffered no damage from his criticisms of George W. Bush. Trump continues to lead with 35% to 18% for Cruz and 18% for Rubio. Iraq war dead-enders thought that Trump had finally gone too far, but that’s because they were judging his statements by their own very ideological and self-serving standards.
