Donald Trump To Start Suing His GOP Opponents

Republican front-runner Donald Trump is thinking of suing his GOP opponents and making a quick buck from the 2016 U.S. presidential race. The billionaire businessman and American success story has got the Grand Old Party by the balls. The Donald is “seriously thinking” about starting the litigation ball rolling by first accusing his GOP rival Senator Ted Cruz of being a foreigner and a liar.

NHS Hospitals Pressured To ‘Cook Books’ & Downplay Debt

NHS hospitals are facing pressure from regulators to cook their books and downplay the size of their deficits, according to a whistle blowing finance director. In anonymous evidence given to the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC), the finance chief told MPs that he and his colleagues are concerned that national regulators are pressurising NHS providers to deceive taxpayers and government departments about their financial performance.
