Police State: US Marshals Arrest Students For Failing To Pay Back Loans

US Marshals in Houston have begun arresting students who have failed to pay back their student loans.  Former student Paul Aker has confirmed that he was arrested last week in his home for failing to pay back a $1500 federal student loan he received in 1987. Fox26houston.com reports: He says seven deputy US Marshals showed up at his home with guns and took him to federal court where he had to sign a payment plan for the 29-year-old school loan. Congressman Gene Green says the federal government is now using private debt collectors to go after those who owe student loans.

Turkish Troops Open Fire On Russian Military In Syria

Turkey have open-fired on Kurdish YPG militia and Russian troops operating within the Syrian-Turkish border, as military tensions escalates between Russia and Turkey in Syria.  Turkey have asked the United States for military assistance in a ground operation as Russian troops advance closer to its borders. Thestar.com.my reports: A large-scale joint ground operation is still unlikely: Washington has ruled out a major offensive. But the request shows how swiftly a Russian-backed advance in recent weeks has transformed a conflict that has drawn in most regional and global powers.

WW3: Hezbollah Are Now Able To Shoot Down Israeli Jets

Israel are claiming that Hezbollah are now able to shoot down Israeli jets flying over parts of the Middle East.  According to an IDF source, Russia’s presence in Syria has given Hezbollah the ability to shoot down Israeli planes. Uprooted Palestinians reports: Those same IDF sources estimate that the increased Hezbollah provocations are the result of the tightening relationship between Russia and Hezbollah, as part of the campaign against ISIS in Syria.

Germany Is Crashing The Euro As Europe’s Economy Goes Into Meltdown

Germany’s policies in Europe could spark the Eurozone to collapse, as government debt and bailout regulations put the euro and those countries who use it on the brink of a total economic meltdown.  A special advisor to the German government, Professor Peter Bofinger, has predicted that Spain and Italy will be forced to leave the euro in the immediate future because of Germany’s new rules.

Will 2016 Be The Year The West Goes To War With Russia?

Diplomatic relations between Russia and the West are officially at their lowest point in history, with Russia declaring a new cold war against the West and the U.S. continuing to impose sanctions against its fellow superpower.  Many people believe the world is dangerously close to an all out World War 3 scenario, and experts say that 2016 will be the year it ignites. Pravdareport.com reports: As for the United States, one may already talk about another arms race between our countries.
