The Incredible Shrinking Benefits Of Massive Japanese Money Printing

Excerpted from JPMorgan CIO Michael Cembalest 2016 Outlook,

Something is wrong with this picture.  In the US and Japan, corporate profits sank during the global financial crisis.  In the US, the profit recovery was accompanied by a recovery in household income.  In Japan, however, corporate profits and household income moved in opposite directions, as dynamics that helped profits recover did not help consumers.  

Google Is Collecting Information On Public School Students – Here's How

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

As a new parent, the idea of sending my children to public school is a frightening thought. The more you read, the more you realize the importance of extreme vigilance when it comes to what’s happening at whatever place you send your kids to for majority of their day. Quite often, parents are simply left completely in the dark about some very important matters.
