Replicas Of Ancient Palmyra Monument To Be Built In London & New York

Full scale replicas of the ancient 15-metre Temple of Bel entrance in Syria are to be built in Trafalgar Square and Times Square. Some believe that the structure is one of the few remaining parts of the 2,000-year-old Temple of Bel in the Syrian city of Palmyra. It is apparently unknown if the Palmyra Arch was fully destroyed by ISIS over the past year.

2016's Planet Of The Aches

Some 'aches and pains' are constraining the global economy, with JPMorgan warning of more severe strains occurring in the emerging world. These aggravating but generally not life-threatening conditions are meant to convey a slow growth world, but, JPM is careful to note, not one on the immediate precipice of collapse or recession. 


(click image for large legible version)

Source: JPMorgan

"New Research Suggests [Fluoridating Water] Is Dramatically Misguided"

Preface: One of our pet peeves is when erroneous groupthink persists even in the face of contradictory evidence.

As shown below, water fluoridation is based on very shaky science.  And yet – despite the science – the big dental associations in the U.S. and other countries continue to push it as safe and effective.

The Guardian reported last week:

Defender Steve Gohouri Found Dead In River Rhine, Aged 34

The body of the former Ivory Coast footballer Steve Gohouri has been found in the River Rhine after he went missing before Christmas. The BBC reports: Gohouri made 42 appearances for Wigan between 2010 and 2012 and also won 12 caps for Ivory Coast. On 16 December, Gohouri was reported missing after attending the Christmas party of his German club TSV Steinbach. He was meant to visit his family in Paris but never arrived. German police confirmed his body had been found in the River Rhine in the western city of Krefeld.
