Something Strange Is Taking Place In The Middle Of The Atlantic Ocean

Something Strange Is Taking Place In The Middle Of The Atlantic Ocean

Early last month, we noted that something very strange was happening off the coast of Galveston, Texas. 

As FT reported, "the amount of oil [now] at sea is at least double the levels of earlier this year and is equivalent to more than a day of global oil supply.” In short: the global deflationary crude supply glut is beginning to manifest itself in a flotilla of stationary supertankers, as millions of barrels of oil are simply stuck in the ocean as VLCCs wait to unload.

Caption Contest: Kerry, Putin, Lavrov Staring Match Edition

Caption Contest: Kerry, Putin, Lavrov Staring Match Edition

Earlier today, in "The Humiliation Is Complete: Assad Can Stay, Kerry Concedes After Meeting With Putin," we documented John Kerry's visit to Moscow where America's top diplomat discovered there are Dunkin Donuts in Russia and also found some time to talk Syria with Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov.

After what amounted to a staring contest over the fate of Bashar al-Assad, Kerry blinked as expected, and the US is now willing to concede that the Syrian President may remain in power indefinitely. 

Hoax Or No Hoax? You Decide - Here Is The Full Text Of The Email Threat That Closed LA Schools

Below is the full text of the threatening email directed toward the Los Angeles Unified School District that led to the closing of all schools (and which NYC School District decided was a hoax)... you decide?

Via ABC7



I am emailing you to inform you of the happenings on Tuesday, 12/15/15.


Presenting Saxo Bank's 10 "Outrageous Predictions" For 2016

On Tuesday, we brought you Bloomberg’s top 10 “worst case scenarios” for 2016. The list, compiled by polling "dozens of former and current diplomats, geopolitical strategists, security consultants, and economists" included everything from devastating cyber attacks by Iranian and Russian hackers to a military coup in China. 

They even threw in a Trump victory in the national elections for good measure.
