Peter Schiff On Trump's "Realism" & Krugman's "Scruples"

Peter Schiff On Trump's "Realism" & Krugman's "Scruples"

Authored by Peter Schiff via Euro Pacific Capital,

During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major presidential contender ever has to saying that America is not capable of repaying her debts in full, and that our path to economic recovery might involve some pain for our creditors. This moment of candor earned Trump almost as much condemnation as his earlier suggestions to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

3D Printed Bio-Glass Could Replace Damaged Cartilage

Researchers have used 3D bioprinting to create a new material that could be used for cartilage implants. Researchers from the Imperial College London and the University of Milano-Bicohcca have 3D printed a shock-absorbing bio-glass that mimics all the properties of cartilage. The material is biodegradable, biocompatible and the cells demonstrate self-healing properties. The process to produce the material is far quicker and easier than lab-grown alternatives.

What Capital Controls? Chinese Buyers Flood US Real Estate Market With $110 Billion

What Capital Controls? Chinese Buyers Flood US Real Estate Market With $110 Billion

We've chronicled extensively the capital flight taking place out of China and into anything that is perceived to hold value as fears that the yuan will devalue persist (here, here, and here). We've have also covered the massive debt bubble that has been created during China's ferocious attempt to prove those who say a hard landing is inevitable wrong. George Soros and Kyle Bass also agree that China will inevitably have to devalue its currency in order to soften a crash landing, certainly not without its consequences.

In Unexpected Twist, Saudi Arabia Was Buying US Treasuries Over Past Year

In Unexpected Twist, Saudi Arabia Was Buying US Treasuries Over Past Year

As reported earlier after decades of keeping Saudi Arabian holdings of treasury paper non-public and bundled with those of other "oil exporting nations", today at 4pm for the first time the US Treasury confirmed that its "leaked" look at Saudi holdings, exposed as a result of a Bloomberg FOIA, was accurate when it reported that the Saudis owned $116.8 billion in US paper as of March 31, which made the country the 13th largest holder of US Treasurys.

