Watch Out - A Big Policy Change Looms In China

Watch Out - A Big Policy Change Looms In China


Overnight the People’s Daily published an interview with “anonymous authorities” on the topic of China's economy.  It’s a very important article as the “anonymous authorities” is considered to be Mr. Liu He, who is the economy brain of President Xi Jinping.  The interview sends strong signals that China policy will shift from its aggressive easing in Q1 to a conservative position which focus on structural reforms.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Wrongly Registered With Far-Right Extremists

A confusing voter registration issue could cost Bernie Sanders potential votes in the upcoming California primaries. The far-right American Independent Party has its name on California ballots and independent voters wishing to vote for the Democratic presidential hopeful might have inadvertently registered with the extremist anti-liberal party. They need to change their registration forms soon otherwise their votes will not be counted. Despite the obscurity of the far-right group, currently 3% of Californians are registered with the American Independent Party (AIP).

Japan Banks May Soon Pay Borrowers To Take Out Loans

Japan Banks May Soon Pay Borrowers To Take Out Loans

Things are increasingly upside down in the brave new centrally planned world: thanks to negative deposit rates central banks have put an explicit cost on saving, while in various instances, such as taking out a mortgage in Denmark and the Netherlands, the bank actually pays the borrower, thus rewarding living beyond one's means. Curiously, it was just a month ago when an offer was spotted in Germany offering a negative -1% rate on small consumer loans issued by Santander Bank.

