Wholesale Inventories-Sales Ratio Holds Near Record Highs As Automakers Suffer

Wholesale Inventories-Sales Ratio Holds Near Record Highs As Automakers Suffer

While wholesale sales rose modestly MoM, the continued stagnation in wholesale inventories (lowest since 2010) bodes poorly for Q2 GDP. At 1.36x, the wholesale inventories-to-sales remains near record highs, but Automotive inventories to sales soared to cycle highs at 1.83x (as Auto sales dropped 0.7% MoM but inventories rose 1.0% MoM).

The gap remains wide...


Leaving inventories-to-sales near record highs...


As Automotive inventories continue to build as sales collapse...


LendingClubbing Continues As Sellside Throws Up All Over Former Peer 2 Peer Darling

LendingClubbing Continues As Sellside Throws Up All Over Former Peer 2 Peer Darling

Until yesterday, Peer2Peer leader LendingClub was the darling of the sellside industry, with 12 buys, 7 holds and just 2 sells.


And as is usual on Wall Street, what a different 1 day makes because just hours after a major internal scandal was revealed that saw the CEO getting kicked out, and potentially implicating none other than LC board member John Mack, this morning it has been a relentless barage of negative notes from all those who until recently loved the stock.

Some examples, first from CRT which just cut LC to sell with a $5 price target...


Trump's Right - Paying Back The National Debt With "Discounts" Is Already Official Policy

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

Donald Trump says a lot of whacko things, and his recent wild pitches about defaulting on the national debt and replacing Yellen because she is not a Republican sound as if they were coming right out of his wild man wheelhouse. Certainly these statements have gotten mainstream financial journalists and editorial writers in high dudgeon.

Said the NYT editorial page about Trump’s observation that if things got bad enough he’d seek to negotiate “discounts” on Uncle Sam’s towering debt,

"The Longest Uninterrupted Selling Streak In History"- 'Smart Money' Sells For Record 15 Consecutive Weeks

"The Longest Uninterrupted Selling Streak In History"- 'Smart Money' Sells For Record 15 Consecutive Weeks

Exactly one week ago, when looking at the record 14 consecutive weeks of selling by the "smart money" clients of BofA, i.e., hedge funds, institutions and private clients, we said that "maybe next week, which would mark a historic 15 weeks of consecutive smart money outflows, is when the tide finally turns, assuming the market slides here. Or perhaps, due to accelerating redemptions, it won't, and the ongoing selling deluge will continue indefinitely. Find out one week from now."

Overnight BofA revealed the answer, and as it turns out, it was the latter:
