Five Reasons Why The Pain For SolarCity Is Just Starting

Five Reasons Why The Pain For SolarCity Is Just Starting

One week ago, when SolarCity was trading around $30, prompted by Jim Chanos' bearish take on the company we wrote a piece asking if "SolarCity is the next SunEdison" in which we presented the Full Bear case as noted by Axiom's Gordon Johnson, who incidentally had the only "sell" rating on the company ahead of last night's earnings debacle (at which point there were also 12 Buys and 9 Holds), which has resulted in the company plunging 25% overnight, and is about 40% lower than when we first prompted readers to pay attention to Elon Musk's solar venture.

Postcard From Mayberry

You might recall from a few months ago my linking to this great essay about “A Message From Trump’s America” by Michael Cooper, a liberal Democrat and a lawyer in rural North Carolina. Excerpt:

My Republican friends are for Trump. My state representative is for Trump. People who haven’t voted in years are for Trump. He’ll win the primary here on March 15 and he will carry this county in the general.

Donald Trump Embraces London’s New Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump says that he is very happy to see Sadiq Khan elected as the first Muslim Mayor of London.  The Donald – who used to be judge on the TV reality show The Apprentice before running for president – is willing to make an exception to his ban on Muslims entering the United States in regards to the new Mayor If Sadiq Khan does a good job as mayor then it would be a “very very good thing,” says Trump. Sadiq Khan hopes to travel to the U.S. one day to meet with his American counterparts without having to face any prejudices over his faith.

"Bored" Chinese Workers Created "Uncontrollable Bubble" In Commodity Futures

"Bored" Chinese Workers Created "Uncontrollable Bubble" In Commodity Futures

With the collapse of China's smoke-and-mirrors commodity bubble comes the post-mortem as the horde of Chinese gamblers flood from one government-appointed market to another as the American dream of get-rich-quick schemes appears to have been adopted by the burgeoning middle classes now disillusioned with real work. As Bloomberg reports so shockingly, from the Dutch tulip craze of 1637 to America’s dot-com bubble at the turn of the century, history is littered with speculative frenzies that ended badly for investors; but rarely has a mania escalated so rapidly, and spurred s

Lawsuit-Flint Mayor Tried To Funnel Water Crisis Funds To Her Campaign

A former Flint city administrator is suing Mayor Karen Weaver for allegedly trying to funnel donations to her personal campaign fund from a charity meant to help families hurt by water crisis. A wrongful termination lawsuit was filed on Monday in federal court in Detroit said that former city Administrator Natasha Henderson was fired in violation of whistle-blower and free-speech protections under Michigan law and the U.S. Constitution.
