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Donald Trump Embraces London’s New Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump says that he is very happy to see Sadiq Khan elected as the first Muslim Mayor of London.  The Donald – who used to be judge on the TV reality show The Apprentice before running for president – is willing to make an exception to his ban on Muslims entering the United States in regards to the new Mayor If Sadiq Khan does a good job as mayor then it would be a “very very good thing,” says Trump. Sadiq Khan hopes to travel to the U.S. one day to meet with his American counterparts without having to face any prejudices over his faith.  Times of Israel reports: The presumed Republican presidential candidate proposed a ban on Muslims entering the country in December, days after terrorists killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California. Sadiq Khan, elected London mayor on Saturday, had expressed worries that he would not be able to visit the United States were Trump elected in November. “There will always be exceptions,” Trump told the Times in an interview published Monday. The brash real estate billionaire — who has alienated many Americans with insults against immigrants, Muslims and women — welcomed Khan’s election. “I was happy [...]