Supermoon, Eclipse & Asteroid All Happening On Same Day Next Week

On Tuesday March 8th there will be total eclipse of the sun, a super full moon and an asteroid will pass by very close to the earth. The supermoon coincides with a total solar eclipse and Asteroid’s TX68 earth flyby to create a sensational  celestial event…or will it bring the end of the world? With these events happening within 24 hours of each other, many conspiracy theorists fear that the world is about to end. Doom mongers are not convinced it will miss our planet and fear we won’t be able to see it because it will be obscured by the sun.

‘No End In Sight’ For Mutations & DNA Damage Caused By Fukushima

A new report  has been released by Greenpeace outlining the environmental and health impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The reports also warns of long-term consequences lasting decades and possible even centuries. RT reports: Stressing there is “no end in sight” to the ecological fallout, the NGO says the impact in a number of areas will continue, which will include but not be limited to mutations in trees, DNA-damaged worms and butterflies, as well as radiation-contaminated mountain water tables.

Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius Denied Appeal, Sends Raging Text

Oscar Pistorius has been denied an appeal of his murder conviction by a South African court. He was asked by a journalist about the court’s decision that could see him going back to prison for 15 years. The former Olympic sprinter and convicted murderer known as the “Blade Runner” showed his frustration by replying: “Have you no soul?” The Mirror reports: The Blade Runner was found guilty of murder in December after he shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in their home on Valentine’s Day 2013.

Hubble Finds Furthest Galaxy From Earth

The Hubble Telescope has discovered the farthest galaxy ever seen to date. Galaxy GN-z11 existed a long long time ago, just 400 million years after the Big Bang, and it was far far far away. It is the earliest and most distance galaxy that has ever been observed by scientific instruments. What has replaced it and when will no doubt reveal itself in the future as more light-waves are captured through time.

Deep Pacific Ocean Is Awash With Strange Sounds

Researchers have lowered a microphone underwater and recorded ambient noises from the deepest known trench in the Earth’s seabed, the Challenger Deep in the western Pacific Ocean. The BBC reports: For the first time, scientists have obtained audio recordings from 7 miles (11km) below sea level in Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, south-west of Guam. They reveal a soundscape rich with the rumble of earthquakes, the deep moans of whales – and the mechanical whirr of ships.
