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Erdogan Shuts Down Independent Turkish Media As ISIS-Turkish Plot Unfolds

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is taking over independent media outlets in Turkey, in an effort to suppress growing dissent in Turkey among journalists who are attempting to report on Turkey’s support of ISIS.  On Friday this week, the leading opposition newspaper Zaman was hijacked by Turkish authorities, followed by the disabling of another newspaper, Cihan News Agency, the very next day. Erdogan is desperate to hide the fact that the Turkish government have allowed a transit route for the U.S. to supply weapons to ISIS in order to oust Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. reports: Zaman’s editor has been imprisoned for publishing such prohibited truths, but somehow his newspaper continued reporting on a court case in which Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan is accused of breaking Turkish law by aiding terrorists. That continued resistance by the newspaper might be a reason why the Turkish Government has now (as of Friday March 4th) shut it down. On March 1st, Cumhuriyet, headlined, “Former Justice Minister of Turkey: Erdoğan Will Stand Trial,” and reported that, “Former Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk, said that Erdoğan’s actions ‘do not comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court.’ He criticized [Erdoğan] by saying … ‘One day this matter must be settled by the [...]