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What Can Be Done?

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What Can Be Done?

Paul Craig Roberts

Despite clear evidence that Washington has chosen the path to conflict with Russia and China, European governments have not objected. Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics even seem to demand more conflict or a quicker path to conflict. The European peoples themselves have not elected leadership that is willing to repudiate vassalage to Washington and conduct a rational foreign policy toward Russia.

Africa's Richest Man: Oil Is Not The Way Forward

Africa's Richest Man: Oil Is Not The Way Forward

Authored by Irina Slav via,

The richest man in Africa says crude oil prices would do Nigeria a favor if they stay lower for longer.

Last week at the UN General Assembly, Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote, whose main business is in cement but also holds interests in agricultural commodities and petrochemicals, said that agriculture - not crude oil - is the way forward for Nigeria, and that Africa “will become the food basket of the world.”

The EU Needs A Three-Child Policy – And China Should Pay For It!

The EU Needs A Three-Child Policy – And China Should Pay For It!

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

The EU’s policy of “replacement migration” is an economic failure and threatens to undermine China’s New Silk Road strategy for Europe by diminishing the continent’s much-needed consumer market potential, which should thereby serve as an impetus for Beijing to consider investing in social programs there as a means of encouraging replacement fertility for the EU’s citizens.
