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"Was It Luck?" I Don't Know, Maybe": Is A 34-Year-Old Och-Ziff Trader Worth $280 Million?

"Was It Luck?" I Don't Know, Maybe": Is A 34-Year-Old Och-Ziff Trader Worth $280 Million?

Och-Ziff Capital Management put a five-year-long investigation by Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission to rest last year when it agreed to pay a $412 million fine to settle allegations that its Africa unit violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by paying more than $100 million in bribes to corrupt government officials. But even after slashing its management fee following a wave of customer redemptions, the publicly traded hedge fund is in rough shape. Its shares are languishing around $3, well below their peak of $26, and investors have pulled ne

Former 'Plunge Protection Team' Member Warns "Blockchain Is Freaking Governments Out"

Former 'Plunge Protection Team' Member Warns "Blockchain Is Freaking Governments Out"

Dr. Pippa Malmgren, a US policy analyst and former member of the Working Group on Financial Markets, a government entity better known by its nickname, the “Plunge Protection Team,” appeared on Erik Townsend’s MacroVoices podcast to discuss bitcoin and the European refugee crisis, while also offering some clues about how the PPT, famous for its secrecy, operates.

On The Financial Implications of Europe's Refugee Crisis

Lauren Southern Banned From Patreon For Conservatism While Horse-Stabbing Antifa Just Fine

Lauren Southern Banned From Patreon For Conservatism While Horse-Stabbing Antifa Just Fine

Content originally published at

Crowdfunding site Patreon banned conservative Canadian journalist, author, and YouTube sensation Lauren Southern without notice late last week - denying her thousands of dollars of monthly income following her involvement with an activist group in the Mediterranean.
