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And The Best Performing Stocks In The World This Year Are...

And The Best Performing Stocks In The World This Year Are...

Nigerian Banks!

"No Brainer" US bank stocks languish unchanged in 2017 and even the unstoppable FANG stocks are lagging badly behind Nigerian banks.

It appears all those emails from Nigerian princes are paying off?

Or, as Bloomberg notes, since the Nigerian central bank eased a dollar shortage by opening a currency-trading window for foreign investors in April, lenders in Africa’s biggest economy have soared.

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

US Defense Secretary James Mattis announced plans on Sunday to ‘Take Apart’ Islamic State Caliphate. Civilian casualties do not matter one bit.

The fight against Islamic State has shifted to “annihilation tactics” to stop potential terrorists who’ve flocked to places such as Iraq and Syria from returning to their home countries to wreak havoc, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Sunday.


NATO Recoils From Trump Spending Salvos

NATO Recoils From Trump Spending Salvos

Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

When US President Donald Trump addressed the opening of the NATO summit last week, it was an embarrassing display of American bullying. As Trump lectured the other leaders of the military alliance about laggardly financial commitments, there was much shuffling of feet and grimacing of faces. There were also contemptuous smirks as the president spoke.
