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Communism Again Gets A Free Pass - Setting The Record Straight On Castro

Communism Again Gets A Free Pass - Setting The Record Straight On Castro

Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

With well over 100 million direct casualties and countless other social, economic and environmental disasters under its name, communism is arguably the worst human experiment in history. And yet, how many communist leaders have been formally prosecuted in a court of law for their crimes?

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

An article published in The New York Times this past Sunday perfectly demonstrates how out of control and unconstitutional America’s foreign policy has become. It highlights the latest war being perpetrated by the Obama administration, which is expanding with very little scrutiny from the press or the government branch supposedly in charge of waging war, the U.S. Congress.

Geopolitical Overhaul: What Will A Post-Obama World Look Like?

Submitted by Gregory R. Copley via,

US President-elect Donald J. Trump in many ways faces the most circumscribed strategic options of any modern U.S. President entering office. Not only has the global context changed — and will change rapidly even further — so also has the United States’ abilities, tools, and resources to assert itself on the world stage.
