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Stunning Visualization Of The Flow Of International Trade

The interactive visualization you see in this post was created by data visualization expert Max Galka from the Metrocosm blog. (Also check out his new project, Blueshift, which allows users to upload data and visualize it on maps with no coding required.)

Trade is an essential part of economic prosperity, but, as Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins asks, how much do you know about global trade?

The Lessons Of Aleppo (For Trump)

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

In this world, it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, said Henry Kissinger in 1968, but to be a friend is fatal.

The South Vietnamese would come to appreciate the insight.

So it is today with Aleppo, where savage reprisals against U.S.-backed rebels are taking place in that hellhole of human rights.

Yet, again, the wrong lessons are being drawn from the disaster.

NASA: Lost Civilization May Exist Beneath Antarctica

Photo’s released by NASA appear to vindicate the conspiracy theory that an ancient civilization exists beneath the Antarctica ice sheets. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantic over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. Photo’s released earlier this year from NASA appear to verify these claims, as images taken by NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission show what internet detectives to be a lost underground city.
