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Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Authored by Sadie Dingfelder, originally posted at The Washington Post,

In 2011, a staffer at Washingtonian found a government ID in a Metro parking garage and gave it to Garrett M. Graff (the magazine’s editor-in-chief at the time) to track down its owner. “Since I reported about that world, he figured I’d know what to do with it,” Graff says.

Graff immediately noticed something strange.

Trump Named As "Risk Factor" In Company Filings 3x More Than Obama

Trump Named As "Risk Factor" In Company Filings 3x More Than Obama

According to the research firm Sentieo, which spent hours and hours of time scouring the "Risk Factor" sections of 10-Ks and 10-Qs, Trump has been about 3x more likely to be cited by a publicly traded company in the U.S. as a "Risk Factor" in his first 100 days in office than was Obama.  Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal, here are a couple of histograms that highlight the comparison:


MISOC: The U.S. Military's Secret Brand Of Fake News

MISOC: The U.S. Military's Secret Brand Of Fake News


PSYOP/MISOC targets foreign governments, groups, and individuals. The government program is similar to journalism, a mode of communication that spreads information, but often spins the narrative, according to Colonel Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff of the JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, who gave a lecture on “The MISTRY* of PSYOP: Putting MISO in Perspective” in 2011.
