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War With Russia Looms As Turkey Enter Syria

Turkey have sent its troops across the Syrian border and advanced 700 meters towards Aleppo, increasing chances of a war with Russia.  Russia have previously pledged to defend Kurdish militia in Syria in the event of a Turkish invasion, and so the military advancement by Turkish soldiers into Syria may trigger a larger war between the two countries. “Russia will respond to the invasion. It goes about not only the Kurds – Russia will defend the territorial integrity of Syria,” the head of the Syrian Kurdistan in Moscow, Rodi Osman, told Bloomberg back in February.

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey shelled Syria for a fourth consecutive day on Tuesday as Ankara steps up efforts to bolster rebels in the face of an advance by the Kurdish YPG. “As many as 150 terrorists were killed during the 4-day-long shelling targeting PYD points,” the pro-government Yeni Safak wrote today, adding that “the PYD, backed by both the US and Russia, is working with President Bashar al-Assad to control areas along the Turkish border.”