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The Idolatry of the Donald

“I even brought my Bible—the evangelicals, OK?” Donald Trump whinged at a campaign stop in the run-up to the Iowa caucuses. “We love the evangelicals and we’re polling so well.” For good measure, he waved his prop a little more and doubled down, “I really want to win Iowa—and again, the evangelicals, the Tea Party—we’re doing unbelievably, and I think I’m going to win Iowa.”

Where Does The U.S. Get Its Oil?

Where Does The U.S. Get Its Oil?

Ever wondered where the United States imports its oil from? came out with some infographics to show that from 2000 to 2015. What we would highlight here is the notable shift from the U.S. depending heavily on Middle East countries and Mexico, to depending more on America's neighbor to the north, Canada.

In 2000, the U.S. imported 661 million barrels of oil from Canada, 503 million barrels from Mexico, and a combined 902 million barrels from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.


New U.S. Law Could Allow Psychological Profiling Of Kids At School

A new bill is being proposed by Congress that will fund the psychological testing and profiling of all children in America.  The scheme would force US schools to collect sensitive data on students, including information on their “social and emotional learning,” attitudes, values, beliefs, and much more. The legislation, named Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA), will give the Big Brother nanny state information on how to further indoctrinate and transform the minds of American children. Critics of the radical S.

Freedom Isn't Free: It Costs Taxpayers $700 Billion Per Year

Freedom Isn't Free: It Costs Taxpayers $700 Billion Per Year

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In his article on conscription today, Ron Paul writes:

Some proponents of a military draft justify it as “payback” for the freedom the government provides its citizens. Those who make this argument are embracing the collectivist premise that since our rights come from government, the government can take away those rights whether it suits their purposes. Thus supporters of the draft are turning their backs on the Declaration of Independence.
