A new bill is being proposed by Congress that will fund the psychological testing and profiling of all children in America. The scheme would force US schools to collect sensitive data on students, including information on their “social and emotional learning,” attitudes, values, beliefs, and much more. The legislation, named Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA), will give the Big Brother nanny state information on how to further indoctrinate and transform the minds of American children. Critics of the radical S. 227 bill have blasted the proposed new law as dangerous and tantamount to state-sponsored “child abuse”. Thenewamerican.com reports: SETRA purports to re-authorize and fund an array of expired unconstitutional Bush-era federal programs under the Education Sciences Reform Act. The Senate SETRA bill was shepherded through with “unanimous consent” and no recorded vote by Republican Senator and former U.S. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, one of the key figures behind the Orwellian Obama-backed monstrosity known as the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA). Along with other establishment Republicans, Alexander conspired with the Obama administration, as they bragged later, to cement Common Core in place nationwide and shred parental rights with the unconstitutional ESSA statute. All the while, Alexander and others pretended that the [...]