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Gundlach Predicts "Trump Will Win", Says "The Federal Reserve Has Basically Given Up"

In an interview posted on Swiss Finanz und Wirthschaft, Jeff Gundlach unleashes his deep ir, and in traditional style, offloads on both the Fed and all central banks, sayng that "negative interest rates are the dumbest idea ever", adding that the Fed has given up both trying to normalize interest rates as well as trying to actually stimulate the economy:

Zombie GOP Economics

Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush famously described his competitor Ronald Reagan’s economic policies as “voodoo economics.” Well, Pete Spiliakos makes a case that the chronic Reaganomics of the GOP amounts to zombie economics, because even though dead, the ideology keeps staggering on.

Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

You know the British establishment is in full panic mode when not only do they allow President Obama to visit the nation just a month after throwing Cameron "distracted by other things" and his European neighbors under the bus over the collapse of Libya, but, despite 100 members of Parliament signing a letter telling Obama "not to interfere" with Britain's domestic affairs, The Telegraph prints an Op-Ed in which the lame-duck president lords it over the British citizenry with a veiled threat that should they "his friends" leave Europe, the "special relation
