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Depression, Debasement, & 100 Years Of Monetary Mismanagement

From the archives of Bill Bonner at Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

Lost From the Get-Go

There must be some dark corner of Hell warming up for modern, mainstream economists. They helped bring on the worst bubble ever... with their theories of efficient markets and modern portfolio management. They failed to see it for what it was. Then, when trouble came, they made it worse. But instead of atoning in a dank cell, these same economists strut onto the stage to congratulate themselves.

Prince Warned Of 9/11 Attacks In 1998 And Predicted His Own Death

A bootleg recording of a Prince concert recorded in Germany on December 23, 1998 has surfaced in which the late singer makes reference to Osama bin Laden and “the terrible event that is about to happen in America.” The recording appears to show Prince predict the 9/11 attacks, some 3 years before they actually occurred. The video has been mysteriously and inexplicably removed from YouTube multiple times.

CDC Warn Of Mass Tuberculosis Outbreak In United States

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have warned that a potential tuberculosis epidemic could hit America due to the surge of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border.  According to the CDC, some of the illegal immigrants who have made it onto U.S. soil have been confirmed as having TB, swine flu, and some of them have been diagnosed as having Dengue. reports: The internal warning was: “We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB.” It was included in June 2014 email guidance from environmental health scientist Alaric C.

ISIS Insider Reveals Plans To Infiltrate U.S. Via Mexico Border

An ISIS insider has told U.S. prosecutors that the terrorist organisation has plans to infiltrate America by entering via the Mexican-U.S. border, allowing militants from Syria to execute attacks on U.S. soil.  Gules Ali Omar, one of the men accused in Minnesota of trying to join ISIS, informed the Islamic State about the route it could take so that militants could carry out attacks on America.
