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Are Russians In For Yet Another War?

Are Russians In For Yet Another War?

Submitted by Angela Borozna via,

Do Russians want another war? If you are Russian, you would be surprised by the question. Why would anyone want war (hot or cold)? But if you are an American, and grew up fearing ‘bad Russians’ such question does not surprise you a bit. After all, the whole Cold War was based on the main assumption – Russians/Soviets want war!

Let My People Go: How Trump And Cruz Could 'Deliver' The GOP

Submitted by Mark Hanna via,

“I am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to earn the 1,237 delegates needed to win,” said Cruz after winning by a landslide in Wisconsin. But what he didn’t say is that to do that before the nominating convention, he has to amass nearly 82% of all remaining delegates -- a virtual impossibility.

Steve Wynn "Nobody Likes Being Around Poor People, Especially Poor People"

Steve Wynn is no stranger to controversy nor is his dislike of president Obama a secret.

Back in the summer of 2011, when discussing Obama, he said  "the guy keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe's ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, they're holding too much money.  You know, we haven't heard that kind of money except from pure socialists."

Here Is Rothschild's Primer How To Launder Money In U.S. Real Estate And Avoid "Blacklists"

Anyone closely following the Panama Papers tax haven story, is by now familiar with the role that Rothschild plays in providing virtually identical services right inside the US by the Rothschild Trust, as explained in our recent article "Rothschild Humiliates Obama, Reveals That "America Is The Biggest Tax Haven In The World."

They are also probably familiar with the name Andrew Penney profiled in January by Bloomberg as follows:
