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Bizarre Donald Trump Tombstone Appears In New York’s Central Park

A bizarre Donald Trump tombstone has appeared in the middle of Central Park this Easter holiday weekend, with the date of his death left blank.  The tombstone is inscribed: Made America Hate Again, and as yet nobody has come forward to take credit for the prank. reports: As part of Trump’s blistering, unconventional and very unexpected rise to the top of the Republican presidential nominee ranks, he has seen his share of threats – some serious, most in jest – to both his person, and in some cases his life.

Secret Service Denies 44,000 Signatories Right To Bear Arms At RNC Convention

Secret Service Denies 44,000 Signatories Right To Bear Arms At RNC Convention

Following the amassing of more than 44,000 signatures petitioning for the right to open-carry during the RNC convention in July, The Hill reports The Secret Service released a statement saying that "only authorized law enforcement personnel" working with the agency will be allowed to carry firearms inside protected areas. Petitioners reacted angrily to the decision, "this is a direct affront to the Second Amendment and puts all attendees at risk." The way this cronyist campaign is going, guns are the last thing the GOP should be worrying about.
