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Did Trump Protest Tactics Backfire?

As I drove away from Reagan National Airport on Monday, I heard a report on WMAL radio that a group supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders had tweeted out a congratulations to those who had forced the cancellation of Donald Trump’s speech in Chicago.

The tweet called the cancellation a “great victory” and saluted the “thousands” of people and “dozen” groups that had helped bring about the protest.

By the next day (Tuesday), the “victory” did not look so great.  

Why Military Hospitals Are Unhealthy and Inefficient

Incredible waste is, of course, natural to Washington, particularly in the trillion dollar national security budget—which includes nuclear bombs, intelligence, and veterans’ costs. Three years ago, when I suggested “16 Ways to Cut Defense Spending,” one of the cost savings I wrote about was duplicative hospital costs, this from a system of separate Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services. They should be combined into a single system, but imagine the screaming about lost jobs.

Anti Trump Groups Threaten U.S. Civil War

Anti-Trump groups are plotting mass civil disobedience in the next few weeks amid Donald Trump’s increasing popularity within the Conservative population and likelihood of becoming the Republican nominee.  Various groups have promised “drama in Washington” and the “largest civil disobedience action of the century”, in what some are saying amounts to a likely all-out civil war in America.

U.S. General Says World War Against China, Russia Looms

The U.S. army’s top General has said that America faces a very high risk of getting into a world war with Russia or China, and has warned that the military would be unable to cope in such a large-scale conflict.  Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley testified on Capitol Hill on Wednesday saying that years of military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan combined with budget cuts have left the U.S. military out of shape. reports: Testifying Wednesday on Capitol Hill, Army Chief of Staff Gen.
