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No Absolution for the Mob

Friday evening’s Donald Trump rally in Chicago was broken up by a foul-mouthed mob that infiltrated the hall and forced the cancelation of the event to prevent violence and bloodshed.

Brownshirt tactics worked. The mob, triumphant, rejoiced.

And the reaction of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich?

All three Republican rivals blamed—Donald Trump.

The Cashless Society - Keynesian "Stability" Vs Trumpian Turmoil

Submitted by Thomas DiLorenzo via The Mises Institute,

In this article, Claudio Grass, Managing Director at Global Gold Switzerland, talks to economist and Mises Institute Senior Fellow Thomas DiLorenzo. This exclusive interview covers central bank monetary policies, Keynesian economics, the economic“recovery,“ political correctness, and much more.

The 19-Year-Old Who Outperformed 99% Of Hedge Funds In 2012 Shares Her "Trading Secrets"

The 19-Year-Old Who Outperformed 99% Of Hedge Funds In 2012 Shares Her "Trading Secrets"

Remember Rachel Fox? For those who do not, here is a reminder courtesy of this blast from the February 2013 past interview of the then-16 year old Desperate Housewives "TV star" who became a "star trader" using her acting money, and after returning 30% in 2012 and outperforming 99% of hedge funds, was promptly interviewed by CNBC, unleashing the whole "17 year old hedge fund manager" meme:

Forget Ackman, Einhorn, Bass, And Hendry. There is only one name in the world of equity market performance in 2012 - Rachel Fox, of 'Desperate Housewives' fame.

US Kills ISIS Supreme Military Commander - Who The US Trained

US Kills ISIS Supreme Military Commander - Who The US Trained

Meet Abu Omar al-Shishani, or, “Omar the Chechen.”

Al-Shishani is Islamic State’s “minister of war,” and on March 4, the US tried to kill him.

Initially, reports indicated that an airstrike in the northeastern Syrian town of Shaddadi likely succeeded in “eliminating” the militant. But “on-the-ground” intelligence from London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (who else?) suggested that in fact, al-Shishani was still alive and had been transported to Raqqa where he was being treated for serious injuries.
