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Guest Post: The Ugly Truth Donald Trump Has Exposed

Authored by Karl Denninger via The Market Ticker blog,

The fear in both the GOP and Democratic party is visible at the surface when it comes to Trump, and it's not that he's any of what they've accused him of.  No, it's really much simpler than that, and both Republican and Democrat parties, along with the mainstream media, are utterly terrified that you, the average American, is going to figure out what underlies all of these institutions in America.

If Washington Were Serious About Defeating Terrorism, It Would Have An Entirely Different Playbook

Excerpted from Stephen Walt's "The Unbearable Lightness of America’s War Against the Islamic State" originally published in FP

If Washington were really serious about defeating terrorism, it would have an entirely different playbook.

In the classic World War II novel The Caine Mutiny, author Herman Wouk quoted an “ancient adage” about the typical bureaucratic response to a crisis:

“When in danger or in doubt, Run in circles, scream and shout.”
