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Millennials Now Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

Millennials Now Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders swept to victory in the New Hampshire primary over rival Hillary Clinton.

To be sure, Sanders was expected to win. Handily.

Still, there’s something surreal about the fact that America is edging ever closer to a situation that will see an avowed socialist square off against one of the country’s quintessential capitalists for the keys to The White House.

Subprime Auto Is "NOT" The Next Big Short, Citi Insists

Subprime Auto Is "NOT" The Next Big Short, Citi Insists

We’ve been shouting from the rooftops about the dangers inherent in the subprime auto market for more than a year.

Auto debt in America has joined student loan debt in the trillion dollar bubble club and part of the reason why is that Wall Street is once again perpetuating the “originate to sell” model whereby lenders relax underwriting standards because they know they’ll be able to offload the credit risk.

Is This The Biggest Crisis In History?

Talking of Oil and Gold, last week Deutsche Bank showed a long-term graph of Oil in real adjusted terms, showing that the average real price since 1861 was $47.

Following on from that, Deutsche notes one ratio they occasionally look at is the ratio of various assets to the price of Gold...

Today we update the Oil/Gold ratio back to 1865 and find that the Gold price has just hit an all time high at around 44 times the price of Oil.



The previous high of 41 in 1892 has just been exceeded.


Turkey Is waging A War Against Syria And Iraq

Turkey is effectively waging a war against Syria and Iraq due to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policies towards the two country, says Stephen Lendman – American author and radio host.  Erdogan has accused the U.S. of creating a “pool of blood” in the region due to its support of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military wing, People’s Protection Units (YPG), in an anti-Syrian speech on Wednesday. “Hey America! We know these [organizations] very well.
