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Pat Buchanan Asks "Who Wants War With Iran... And Why?"

Pat Buchanan Asks "Who Wants War With Iran... And Why?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

In the run-up to Christmas, President Donald Trump has been the beneficiary of some surprisingly good news and glad tidings.

Sunday, Vladimir Putin called to thank him and the CIA for providing Russia critical information that helped abort an ISIS plot to massacre visitors to Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.


Monday found polls showing Trump at his highest in months.


Exodus Starts: Millennials Ditch City Life

Exodus Starts: Millennials Ditch City Life

The urban revival of America’s core inner cities has been a decades-long failed experiment, as deindustrialization coupled with failed liberal policies have created a growing problem of inequality and violent crime. Middle-class advancement was once localized in the core of America’s cities, but that is not so much the case today, as those areas are labeled a “barbell economy,” divided between highly-paid professionals and low-skill service workers.

2018: Irrational Complacency - "What Is Your Exit Strategy?"

2018: Irrational Complacency - "What Is Your Exit Strategy?"

Authored by Alberto Gallo via Algebris Investments,

“Your loving give me such a thrillBut your love don’t pay my billsNow give me moneyThat’s what I want”Money – Barrett Strong, 1959

Ten long years after the crisis, volatility and fear seem to have disappeared from financial markets. A synchronous global expansion coupled with persistently loose monetary policy has produced a goldilocks environment for all assets. Will it work for another year?

Constitutional Law Attorney Says Mueller's Seizure Of Transition Emails "Likely Violated The Law"

Constitutional Law Attorney Says Mueller's Seizure Of Transition Emails "Likely Violated The Law"

Over the weekend, reports surfaced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have inappropriately taken possession of "many tens of thousands" of emails from the Trump transition team, obtained through the General Services Administration - the government agency responsible for hosting the transition email system which used a "" address, without getting the necessary search warrants and/or subpoenas.
