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These Are The 12 Most Disaster-Prone States In America

These Are The 12 Most Disaster-Prone States In America

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

No matter where you live, there’s always a possibility that a disaster might occur in any of the states. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires…Mother Nature can get you regardless of your location. And it isn’t just Mother Nature we have to worry about – things like chemical spills, terror attacks, and explosions can also create a disaster scenario.

'Pacifist' Japan Is Building Missile Bases To Counter China And North Korea

'Pacifist' Japan Is Building Missile Bases To Counter China And North Korea

Yesterday, we published a report about an incident involving South Korea, Japan and China that nearly escalated into a full-blown skirmish, as Japan and South Korea were forced to order intercepts of Chinese military aircraft as a squadron of fighters and bombers flew over the waters between South Korea and Japan - an area that has historically been off limits to Chinese aircraft. It wasn't until after the Chinese aircraft had dispersed that Chinese military commanders disclosed that the intrusion was part of a "military exercise."

America's Deadly 'Isms'

America's Deadly 'Isms'

Authored by John Stossel via,

People want politics to be simple. Left vs. right. Clinton vs. Trump. My side vs. your side. Elect the right guy, and things will be good!

The truth is more complicated.

Influential political philosophies created the mess we live with today, not just a political "left" and "right." There's socialism, conservatism, populism, progressivism, liberalism, scientism (eugenics), Marxism, totalitarianism, nationalism, fascism, Islamo-fascism, Nazism and probably others I missed.

Why A Scathing Wall Street Is Furious At The Trump Tax Plan

Why A Scathing Wall Street Is Furious At The Trump Tax Plan

Back in October 2016, the "millionaire, billionaire, private jet owners" of America's elitist, liberal mega-cities (A.K.A. New York and San Francisco) celebrated the tax hikes that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have undoubtedly jammed down their throats proclaiming them to be a 'patriotic duty'.  Unfortunately, now that Trump has given them exactly what they apparently amazing opportunity to 'spread their wealth around"...they're suddenly feeling a lot less patriotic. 
